Jumat, 21 Agustus 2020

Dear all Muslim Brothers and Friends


Dear all Muslim Brothers and Friends..


 Don't write GOD

 Please Write always "Allah"

 Because there is no description of GOD in the HOLY QURAN.

 Don't say "Mosque"

Always say "Masjid"

Because Islamic Organization has found that Mosque means, Mosquitoes.

 Don't write "Mecca"

 write always correctly

 "Makkah" Because

 Mecca means House of


 Don't write "Mohd"

 write always completely

 "Muhammad" Because

 Mohd means The dog with big mouth.

 If you have package,

 Please forward it to our Muslim Friends.

الرجاء ارسالها الى اصدقائك المسلمين

Muslim population

 Afghanistan 100%

 Albania 75%

 Algeria 99%

 Angola 25%

 Argentina 2%

 Australia 2.09%

 Azerbaijan 93%

 Bahrin 100%

 Bangladesh 85%

 Bhutan 5%

 Brazil 0.6%

 Burma 10%

 Canada 1.48%

 Cntral africn 55%

 China 11%

 Egypt 94%

 Ethopia 65%

 Fiji 11%

 France 7%

 Georgia 11%

 Germeny 3.4%

 Greece 1.5%

 Guinea 95%

 Guyana 15%

 Hongkong 1%

 India 14%

 Indonesia 85%

 Iran 99%

 Iraq 97%

 Isreal 14%

 Italy 1%

 Japan 1%

 Jordan 95%

 Kenya 30%

 Kuwait 89%

 Lebanon 70%

 Libya 100%

 Maldives 100%

 Malasiya 52%

 Mauritius 19.5%

 Mayotte 99%

 Nigeria 75%

 Oman 100%

 Pakistan 97%

 Phillipines 14%

 Qatar 100%

 Romania 20%

 Russia 18%

 Saudi arab 100%

 Singapore 17%

 Somalia 100%

 Sri lanka 9%

 Sudan 85%

 Syria 90%

 Tazakistan 85%

 Tanzania 65%

 Thailand 14%

 Tunisia 98%

 Turkey 99.8%

 UAE 96%

 UK 2.5%

 USA 3.75%

 Uzbekistan 88%

 Where the Prophets originated..???

Adam(AS) - Sri Lanka

Nooh(AS) - Jordan

Shoaib(AS) - Syria

Saleh(AS) - Lebanon

Ibrahim(AS) - Palestine and died in iraq

Ismail(AS) - Saudi Arabia

Yakoob(AS) - Palestine

Yahya(AS) Palestine

Zakariya (AS) Palestine

Ishaq(AS) - Palestine

Yusuf(AS) - Palestine

Looth(AS) - Iraq

Ayub(AS) - Jordan

Hood(AS) - Yamen

Nabi-Muhammad (SAW) - Saudi Arabia

Ages of Prophets

Adam(AS) - 1000 Yrs

Nooh(A S) - 950 Yrs

Shoaib(AS) - 882 Yrs

Saleh(AS) - 586 Yrs

Zakariyya(AS) - 207 Yrs

Ibrahim(AS) - 195 Yrs

Sulayman(AS) - 150 Yrs

Ismail(AS) - 137 Yrs

Yakoob(AS) - 129 Yrs

Musa(AS) - 125 Yrs

Ishaq(AS) - 120 Yrs

Haroon(AS) - 119 Yrs

Yusuf(AS) - 110 Yrs

Eesa(AS) - 40 Yrs


Plz don't keep it in your inbox, share the knowledge.

 Please read this to  the end.

You hardly have timej for Allah; but He loves you and always blesses you. He is always with you. I need you to spend 30mns of your time with him today. Don't pray, just praise Him.

Today I want this message across the world before midnight. Will you help? Please do not cut the chain.

He always grants you all the things that you are in need of. So please drop everything and pass this on. Don't break this chain. Send this to other friends. 

Why Do we feel sleepy in Prayer? But stay awake throughout a 3 hours movie.

Why are we so bored when we look at the HOLY BOOK? But find it easy to read other books.

Why is it so easy to ignore a message about Allah? Yet we forward the nasty/funny ones.

Why are Masjids getting smaller? But Bars and Night Clubs are expanding.

Why is it so easy to worship a celebrity? But very difficult to engage with Allah.

Think about it, are you going to forward this? Or are you going to ignore it because you think you will get laughed at?

Forward this to all your friends/contacts.

I know 80% of you may not forward this; so be among the 20% who might.

Remember; Allah (SWT) said: If you deny Me in front of your friends, I will deny you on the day of judgment:

When one door closes, Allah opens two; If Allah has opened doors for you, send this message to everyone including me...

Allah has no BLACKBERRY but He's my favorite contact...

Allah is not on TWITTER but I still follow Him, and will follow Him forever...

He is not on WHATSAPP but He's always online...

So even without the INTERNET I will always be connected to Him...

Please forward this message to all your contacts now!

[3/06/2016 5:53 AM]: *It is said that when the angel of death is taking the rooh (soul) out of the body of whom passes away.... it is a painful experience. They say that when the dead awake on Qiyaamat, the effect of the rooh being taken out will still be there. Therefore, ALLAH has told us to recite the Ayatul-Kursi after every Fardh salaat and it is stated that whoever recites this, their rooh will be taken out as you would take out a strand of hair from a pile of flour. How light would that feel, Masha Allah! May Allah save us from any sort of pain and may He let us die with Imaan in our hearts and save us from the adhaab. Aameen.There is no word as beautiful as Allah.No example as beautiful as RasulaLLah (SAW). No lesson as beautiful as Islam. No song as melodious as Adhaan.No charity as meaningful as Zakat. No encyclopedia as perfect as Al-Qur'an.No prayer as perfect as Salaat (Namaz).No diet as perfect as fasting.No journey as perfect as Hajj.Let's realize that Islam is forever beautiful and perfect, please forward this message to get the thawaab of passing on knowledge. This is most common among us, most of us talk during Adhaan... 

Read this..

The Holy Prophet(SAW) said, Stop doing everything during the Adhaan, even reading the b b Quran, the person who talks during the Adhaan will not be able to say the Kalimah-e-Shahadat on his/ her death bed.... Please pass this message to Muslims...READ THIS DU'A FOR a BETTER LIFE Allahumma- inni-ala- dhikrika-wa Shukrika-wa-husni-ibaadatika. A very powerful Duaa has been sent to you. What do you think you should do with it. Imagine if 1000 people read it just because of you. سُبْحَانَاللَّه ِ !!!


Get up when you hear the ADHAAN, just like when you hear your phone Ring


Read the QUR'AN carefully, 

     like you read your Text

 Fear ALLAH, like you fear Death

 Remember Death, like you 

      remember your Name

How many minutes does it 

   takes for each Prayer

"FAJR" 4/6 Minutes

"ZUHR" 6/8 Minutes

"ASR" 6/8 Minutes

"MAGHRIB" 5/7 Minutes

"ISHAA" 7/10 Minutes

Total 28/39  Minutes per day  

      out of 24hours  

 Let's think about it do we really 

                  spend our time in the sake of
